Thursday, September 1, 2011


Giveaway is NOW CLOSED =)

I made these two pink purses today =)

One I gave to my sister, but the other needs a home!

So, does anyone want this one? It's pink and the inside has two pockets! Just follow my blog and comment here and I'll do a random number drawing and mail it to you =)


Kady L. said...

You're very talented!! Would love to give your purse a new home!

TheyInspireMe said...

I would love to win,I love unique piece;s

dawns41 said...

I would love to give your pink purse a home.
GFC as dawns41

Ebe. said...

I'm following you as Ebe. on GFC.

rabkina said...

take me in))))
what a lovely bag))
nice job))


bcbeaveratheart said...

I am a new blog follower and I would LOVE to walk around my small town with this AWESOME purse!

Vishka said...

I'd love to win this! I'm so happy I stumbled across your blog...I actually saw something like this in a thrift store a few days ago and regret not buying it because when I went back it was gone.:P

This is so cute though! Thanks for the opportunity!

Sheila said...

I would love to win your lovely purse!

showcasesisters (at) gmail (dot) com

Chandler said...

Love it! I would definitely use that as my new handbag for school :)

Poppylop Parties said...

Who doesn't need a pink purse? I love it!

DESPINA said...

Following through NetworkedBlogs, as Despina Vnt



jcwega27 said...


Samantha said...

Beautiful bag, pick me! woltmansr at gmail dot com Thanks

Sharon said...

following you with GFC

alsam66 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

i am a public gfc follower of your blog.
Thank you for the great giveaway! the bag looks very cute! =)

Amanda Tempel said...

Aw, it's so cute. I love it :)

I follow you on GFC as Amanda T


Samantha said...



Berendina Dykema said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Berendina Dykema said...

Following your blog!. I love the color and design of the purse. I have a purse addiction and have ones for the seasons or outfits :). I dont have a nature girly purse yet :)

Is your giveaway worldwide? open for Canada? I hope so :)


nitzan said...

what a lovley bag!!!

i love it... :)

i follow your blog at gmail dot com

evey said...

ooooh pretty. following you on bloglovin. peace.

eveyinorbit at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I want one! I envy those people who loves sewing.

GFC follower here - Itin


Silvergirl said...

wow very cute!!!

silverlilacc at hotmail dot com

Mubin said...

What a lovely giveaway!!!!!! Hoping to win!

mubinster at gmail dot com

KarenZ said...

I'm following you.

MoonRae said...

What a pretty little pink bag!!Thanks for the opportunity to win it
GFC follower MoonRae


Anonymous said...

I follow!

Love the bag!

sophia.komninou at

Poziomka said...

love this blog!!

Lesli said...

I follow this blog via Google Friend Connect {Lesli} - I didn't see a follow button but I used the dashboard. Also follow via NB.

Love love love the cute bag!!!

littleumbrella (at) wow (dot) com

WCA Yash Travel said...

gfc follower
love to win the bag
gustosagiveaways atymaildotcom

Forgotten_Fortune said...

I follow via GFC!


jhitomi said...

How generous of you! I love this bag and pink is my favorite color. You are really talented and creative, and I'm not just saying that; I mean it.
jhbalvin at gmail dot com

Hime said...

Following via GFC.

Love the bag!

Katy said...

I am a new follower! What a great giveaway! thank you for the chance! :)


Amy said...

Hi! I'm a new follower, and I love that bag and can offer it a nice home. Thank you!

amysweeps at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

You made 2 purses in one day? You must have a grade A attention span, lol. Anyway, they're both lovely, I'd love to win.

asteride said...

Love that bag!

sukanya said...

Aww I love that bag!!

Following your blog on google reader!

Akamatra said...

What a lovely bag! I follow this blog as Akamatra JoyandJewelry on facebook!

Nofearpapertiger said...

I follow your blog on GFC under Nofearpapertiger. Cute bag - love it!

Angela Rhodes Krause

Global Giveaways said...

Wow it's beautiful!

GG dot Global dot Giveaways at gmail dot com

kadpm said...

It is very very pretty :)
I just followed your blog!

Julie said...

darling purse
follow blog jelaws5

Barbara said...

GFC follower Barb
I love pink, and that is definitely one cute purse! I wish that I was that talented!

barbs562 AT gmail DOT com

Tündéri Lonka said...

i would be soo glad if i would be the winner.. i wantt it!!

Whitney said...

I'm a new follower. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Anonymous said...

follow you on gfc
Robin Scott
very cute, thanks
robinlscott4 at hotmail dot com

Jasmine1485 said...

I love the patterns! :) Pockets inside handbags are always welcome, I usually use them for things that are easily lost in handbag jumble, like lipbalm and my phone lol. Thank you for a lovely giveaway, I'm following via GFC as Jasmine1485.

kate1485 at

Unknown said...

Following your blog via GFC (ksyshenka) and I adore this bag - handmade with big love!

Thank you for the chance!


Ľubaša said...

I love it, thanks for a chance to enter. new follower of your blog (Lubaska)
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com

Rebby said...

Beautiful Purse!! I am following your blog with GFC (Rebby)
rebthecatsitter at

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Kathy said...

I Love it!

Kathy said...

I'm following you on GFC