Monday, February 4, 2013

Snow Day

I love snow. Isn't it great? That beautiful, white a blank sheet of drawing paper-- unlimited untapped potential.

There was even snow on my birthday!
snow day
Of course, I do silly things on my snow day. What do you do on yours?
*if you want to know how to make your pictures move like this, go here, to my Picture Array tutorial!


Shawna said...

I love love love snowdays!! I never doing anything crazy but i do spend a good portion of in my pjs (aka leggings as pants!!! Soo guilt of this horrible trend hahah)

List Addict said...

Great photo although it scared me a tad when it started moving - wasn't expecting it. Snow is fabulous. I wish we gad it!

List Addict said...

Oh and thanks so much for coming to visit me! :)