I've been taking photos of my sewing machine lately for my e-book, and I wanted to spruce up the space! I love to sit and sew now that I've added all my trinkets :)
What does your sewing space look like?
Speaking of spaces, I've been thinking of adding some bling bling to my jewelry collection from my friend Paula's Chloe + Isabel shop! What would you buy? I'm loving the simple gold collection!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Friday, March 29, 2013
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Today I'm going to talk about...my hat
Do you collect anything silly? Please share, so I don't feel so alone...in my closet of hats. If hats were water, I could probably drown in them. Seriously.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
My Wedding Day
The night before my big day my three friends and I stayed in the hotel where I was getting hitched the next morning. I will admit to being a mess. I've been told by many women that you really don't remember your wedding day--because you are in shock. Thats so true! I was in a daze the day before and during the ceremony--is this really happening? I think I was scared. I mean, marriage is a big deal. Its kinda like, forever.
For some reason I was terrified that B wouldn't show up! When I left his house the night before the wedding I made him promise to be there. He laughed at me, but I was scared! Luckily all my fears were in vain. I know I didn't talk much that night with my girlfriends--everything seemed to be happening so fast all at once, when before it had seemed so far away! I didn't know what to say or do. This is strange because I'm usually, if you know me, extremely talkative.
Luckily, the ceremony was at 9:30 the next morning, so I had no time to freak out when I woke up.
We went to the ceremony room and almost ran into the groom. Eek! I was shuffled aside by my bridesmaids and B went down to the foyer while we made sure everything was in order. We did our whole wedding with only 2000$, dress and everything, so there wasn't much to do. Then I hid in a stairwell with my mom while the guests arrived.
Right before the music started playing for me to walk down the isle I remember my best friend and bridesmaid Larkin coming up to me and praying with me. I must have been white. I was so excited and scared and happy that I was having trouble breathing. My other bridesmaid, Beth was the photographer (if she hadn't had said yes, we wouldn't have had a photographer, so yeah, she's pretty much a lifesaver and b, the most amazing person ever)
So the music starts playing and Larkin exits and I'm standing there in my white dress knowing that this is really happening. And I really want it to happen. Ready or not...
I stepped out. And B was there, waiting for me, at the end of my purple petal trail. The moment I saw him I'll never forget. A peace just came over me and I knew I had made the right decision. All those other people that I dated, who broke my heart and who I broke theirs---they were gone. All those mistakes and heartache and worry and fears--those things didn't matter. I'd made my choice...and I knew it was the right one. It was at this moment that I gave my total and full heart to God. God had brought me someone wonderful, someone amazing who loved me and wanted to cherish me for the rest of his life...and I don't deserve him. I'll never deserve him. But this amazing God--this God who loves me even with my selfish human will had given me this man who has chosen to love me--and who loves and sacrifices and cherishes me to this day.
So the minister did his thing and I cried through my vows and tried to put B's ring on the wrong hand (hah hah) and then we were married. And I've never been happier.
And that was our wedding day.
For some reason I was terrified that B wouldn't show up! When I left his house the night before the wedding I made him promise to be there. He laughed at me, but I was scared! Luckily all my fears were in vain. I know I didn't talk much that night with my girlfriends--everything seemed to be happening so fast all at once, when before it had seemed so far away! I didn't know what to say or do. This is strange because I'm usually, if you know me, extremely talkative.
Luckily, the ceremony was at 9:30 the next morning, so I had no time to freak out when I woke up.
We went to the ceremony room and almost ran into the groom. Eek! I was shuffled aside by my bridesmaids and B went down to the foyer while we made sure everything was in order. We did our whole wedding with only 2000$, dress and everything, so there wasn't much to do. Then I hid in a stairwell with my mom while the guests arrived.
So the music starts playing and Larkin exits and I'm standing there in my white dress knowing that this is really happening. And I really want it to happen. Ready or not...
I stepped out. And B was there, waiting for me, at the end of my purple petal trail. The moment I saw him I'll never forget. A peace just came over me and I knew I had made the right decision. All those other people that I dated, who broke my heart and who I broke theirs---they were gone. All those mistakes and heartache and worry and fears--those things didn't matter. I'd made my choice...and I knew it was the right one. It was at this moment that I gave my total and full heart to God. God had brought me someone wonderful, someone amazing who loved me and wanted to cherish me for the rest of his life...and I don't deserve him. I'll never deserve him. But this amazing God--this God who loves me even with my selfish human will had given me this man who has chosen to love me--and who loves and sacrifices and cherishes me to this day.
So the minister did his thing and I cried through my vows and tried to put B's ring on the wrong hand (hah hah) and then we were married. And I've never been happier.
And that was our wedding day.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Missing the Rain
I love bright colors. If I could paint a room, I really would pick ocean blue--and then pepper the room with puffy white clouds. Maybe a raindrop or two.
This outfit is inspired by sunshine, birds, spring and fun. The only thing that could have made my morning better would have been to have my husband next to me. I miss him on my days off when he is at work. The house just seems so empty!
What's your favorite color to wear? Mine, I swear, is green. Even if I'm not wearing any today. Oh well!
Happy spring. Happy warm days with bright, cloudy skies that seem to go on forever. If only they could...
Monday, March 25, 2013
Snow Day
So, today I had my Spring post scheduled for the blog--and then we had two feet of snow. Cue irony-- when my "spring" blog post popped up on a day of major snow. This is also funny because last year in VA we had a similar snowy day right at the end of February! (this was the day I had my first car wreck, also) And here again, we are having an late spring snow. I wonder if this will be the weather norm from now on?
Did you get any snow? How did you spend your snow day this spring? Enjoy the double blog post today--I just wanted to clarify about the weather so people wouldn't think I was blind or something.
I decided I'd had better make another post, so you can see how drastic the weather has changed. I took my spring post pictures on friday. These snow pictures husband and I took yesterday, on Sunday! The weather here sure is weird.
And then this morning we got another good foot, causing me to be snowed in at home! The winter fairy has indeed blessed VA abnormally much this year. Mr. Adventure was able to slide out of the driveway like a pro, but alas, I was stuck. You can tell I was horribly disappointed about this fact, yes?Did you get any snow? How did you spend your snow day this spring? Enjoy the double blog post today--I just wanted to clarify about the weather so people wouldn't think I was blind or something.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
A Tale of Emery's Treasure
My friend wrote an e-book! Go check it out, if you are into adolescent literature with subtle hints of magic and suspense! It's for sale through amazon right now.
The book is about a college man's adventure with a girl he meets on campus--who may (or not!) be a mermaid!
Friday, March 22, 2013
Tax Questions for the Small Buisness Owner
Since I am quitting my job soon, I want make sure I successfully transition my sewing hobby into the small business world. This, unfortunately, means tackling the big, nasty, yucky, and confusing tax question.
Before you can even DO your taxes, there is a TON of red tape functions you must complete. (Yay, government). The steps I'm going to discuss are relevant for Virginia--they might differ for your state or country. Also, this is 2013. Since the government is extremely fickle--if you are reading this, in, say, 2015--I'm sure the rules and regulations have changed.
Steps to Receive a Small Business License
After completing the above steps you can THEN apply for a business license. The license that I am applying for the sole proprietor small business license. You can read more about it here or here.
Before you can even DO your taxes, there is a TON of red tape functions you must complete. (Yay, government). The steps I'm going to discuss are relevant for Virginia--they might differ for your state or country. Also, this is 2013. Since the government is extremely fickle--if you are reading this, in, say, 2015--I'm sure the rules and regulations have changed.
Steps to Receive a Small Business License
- Check with the zone rules of where your business is located. Mine is a sewing business, and this is an acceptable type to run from your home.
- Apply for a EIN number at the IRS web site. An EIN number is kinda like a social security number, except for a business, not a person. You also need an EIN number to hire workers or have interns and stuff I won't be doing.
- Register your business name. Sometimes called a Fictitious Business Name (FBN), a registered business name is required if you are doing business under any name other than your own. It allows you to accept checks and make other transactions in the name of the business. Once you have registered your business name, it cannot be used by anyone else. Contact the Virginia State Corporation Commission at (804) 371-9733 (outside Richmond 1-866-772-2551) for details and the county office where you need to apply for an FBN
- Get a Sales and Use Tax number from the Virginia Department of Taxation You can contact them at (804) 367-8037
After completing the above steps you can THEN apply for a business license. The license that I am applying for the sole proprietor small business license. You can read more about it here or here.
I'll let you guys know what other steps I have to take, as well as walk you though my first year of paying taxes! If you have any questions about starting a small business, don't hesitate to e-mail me!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
How to Meet your Neighbors
When Mr. Adventure and I were married, I was really curious about our neighbors. Since he had lived in his house for four years, I thought he would know them. What are our neighbors like? Are they married? Do you know them? I asked, as I glowed with newlywed amore.
Strangely he didn't know any of them. Men must not be filled with overwhelming urges to bake muffins and ring people's doorbells. Sigh.
But, I still wanted to meet the neighbors! So I came up with an amazing idea. I'll make muffins and attach a cute hello post card and tie the whole thing to their doorknob!
I ordered these from Moo. I love them. I can't wait to give them to our neighbors!!!
This is what the back says:
Strangely he didn't know any of them. Men must not be filled with overwhelming urges to bake muffins and ring people's doorbells. Sigh.
But, I still wanted to meet the neighbors! So I came up with an amazing idea. I'll make muffins and attach a cute hello post card and tie the whole thing to their doorknob!
I ordered these from Moo. I love them. I can't wait to give them to our neighbors!!!
This is what the back says:
Hello Neighbor! My name is Carolynn, and I just married the most wonderful man last November! I live near YOU now, atmy address, where I can be close to my new husband and, of course, renovate his house from bachelordom! As I've lived here, I've seen a few of you out and about, with your spouse or with your childern. I just wanted to say: I would love to meet you and your families! The Mr. and I plan on living here for as long as the good Lord will allow (hopefully all our lives) and we would love to get to know YOU and help YOU out in times of need and to laugh with you in times of joy. Have a blessed day.A little about us:
I am really excited about meeting and encouraging my neighbors! When I was passing out the cards I prayed for each family. I also put my e-mail and phone number on the cards. Have you ever met your neighbors? On an unrelated note, if your neighbor stuck a post card and a muffin on your door, would you think it was odd?Her: Love to knit, sew, read, write and do photography. I run my own etsy and blogging business.Him: Loves to program, watch anime, hike, build things, and eat bacon.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Ombre Knit Mitts
I knitted up these cute ombre mitts in less then a day! I love them.
I purchased this pattern from Etsy, so I can't sell these, but if you knit you can buy the pattern here! They are really easy to knit up! Happy knitting!
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Married...with finances!
So, now you are married. There is someone behind you. In bed, snoring, next to you. He raids the fridge, while you are showering, and consumes the last slice of pie...(you know, the one you hid behind the leftover lasagna, to eat after you finished your delicious hot shower?)
And now he wants to use your money. And you want to use his.
However, he doesn't seem to understand that yes, you did spend $10 at Barns in Nobles, and no, you didn't even buy a book. Oh, skinny latte with extra mocha, if only my husband could have tasted you. But he can't. Because you drank it all while he was in the computer programming section, of all places.
From hair cuts to groceries, my husband and I both had a different opinion not only on what we should buy, but also on how much and what brand.
Before marriage, neither of us had a budget. We kept everything in our head. That wasn't a bad way to do things, when we were single. Neither of us were in any kind of credit card debt, and both of us have never missed a payment on anything serious.
After marriage, it was a different story. We decided from the beginning to have one bank account. So I canceled mine (mine had more fees then his, thats why we went with his) and then--we both just tried to keep all the finances in our heads! Cue amusing panic and confusion.
First off, I didn't know how much money I should spend on, say, frivolous purchases like yarn, or essentials like groceries. For awhile I called him every time I made a purchase. This, as you can imagine, became old really quick, so Mr. Adventure told me to stop and not to worry about it. So I stopped calling him. Cue discussions like "what did you buy for 100$ at Walmart?"and "Can you tell me what this charge for $20 is on our account?" I never save receipts, he saves his religiously. I am a impulse buyer, he is a well-researched argumentative buyer, when he buys something, that is (I shop a lot more frequently)
We never really had an argument, per se, but after three months of uncomfortable discussions regarding finances and confusing talks about money, we decided we needed a budget. Cue amazing sigh of relief.
If you are thinking about getting married, engaged, or already married, and are not the King of France...you need a budget!
A budget has changed our lives! No really, it has! Now if I want something, all I have to do is check the budget. Its as simple as that! No more explanations, no more calls, no more worry. So, if you'll excuse me...I'm going to go find my husband and kiss him some more. I love being married :)
instead of cake, I'll just eat your face. good trade. |
However, he doesn't seem to understand that yes, you did spend $10 at Barns in Nobles, and no, you didn't even buy a book. Oh, skinny latte with extra mocha, if only my husband could have tasted you. But he can't. Because you drank it all while he was in the computer programming section, of all places.
From hair cuts to groceries, my husband and I both had a different opinion not only on what we should buy, but also on how much and what brand.
Before marriage, neither of us had a budget. We kept everything in our head. That wasn't a bad way to do things, when we were single. Neither of us were in any kind of credit card debt, and both of us have never missed a payment on anything serious.
After marriage, it was a different story. We decided from the beginning to have one bank account. So I canceled mine (mine had more fees then his, thats why we went with his) and then--we both just tried to keep all the finances in our heads! Cue amusing panic and confusion.
I'm still eating your face. Oh wait, are we married? |
We never really had an argument, per se, but after three months of uncomfortable discussions regarding finances and confusing talks about money, we decided we needed a budget. Cue amazing sigh of relief.
If you are thinking about getting married, engaged, or already married, and are not the King of France...you need a budget!
A budget has changed our lives! No really, it has! Now if I want something, all I have to do is check the budget. Its as simple as that! No more explanations, no more calls, no more worry. So, if you'll excuse me...I'm going to go find my husband and kiss him some more. I love being married :)
Monday, March 18, 2013
Chevron Dress
I made this lovely chevron dress out of a sheet I found at goodwill and leftover lace that my wonderful friend (and bridesmaid) Elizabeth Ewing gave me!
I LOVE this dress. And it fits. I can totally wear it. If it wasn't 20 degrees outside right now. Spring, where are you???
I LOVE this dress. And it fits. I can totally wear it. If it wasn't 20 degrees outside right now. Spring, where are you???
Saturday, March 16, 2013
What I will never name my kid
Since Husband and I probably going to procreate in the near future, I'd thought I'd make a list of names...that I would never call my kids.
Now I'm off to search these on facebook. And Lol. What would you not name a kid?
- Orange Jello (pronouced Oh-aung-a-loo)
- Chlamydia
- Obama
- Goldfish
- Cracker
- Dish Washer
- Thing
- Wingnut
- Ashtray
- Hey you
- Bella
- Edward
- Katniss
- Snookie
- Rainbow
- Weird Pink Elephant
- Boy
- Yummy
Now I'm off to search these on facebook. And Lol. What would you not name a kid?
Friday, March 15, 2013
I am so angry
Google just announced they are getting rid of GFC. You know, the way you follow those blogs you love? And stay connected with your best friends?
WHAT?!? I don't understand Google's thought process right now.
For those of you who currently follow me through GFC, you can now follow me through Bloglovin! If you don't have Bloglovin, check out the links to the left of this post for even more ways to follow me.
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why? |
For those of you who currently follow me through GFC, you can now follow me through Bloglovin! If you don't have Bloglovin, check out the links to the left of this post for even more ways to follow me.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The Beaker Child
This is an excerpt from a book I am writing called The Beaker Child. Its very science fiction, so if you don't like science fiction, you probably won't like this.
The third time I called her from slumber someone stole her. He didn’t get far. I watched from the observation tower as he carried her, curled up against his breast, her dark hair a fuzzy brown swirl under his arm.
One single shot from a sniper ended his heist. He crumpled like dust beneath her plastic body, legs sprawling in every direction. Humans are so finite, I thought, as I watched him bleed out on our concrete walkway--so fragile, that one shot could end it all.
My colleague said the head religious leader in Eurui had ordered the heist. His short elderly figure was seen more and more on the news calling the my precious experiment an abomination and a threat to humanity. I could only laugh. The pawns will play, I told him, for the masses must be entertained.
Just to soothe his mind, late that night I made a few calls. Over the corse of a month I invited the press, senators, mayors and even middle school classes to view my specimen. Never inside, of course, and never where Margaret could see them, but it was enough just to see her, to catch a glimpse of her pale, plastic body behind the white glass.
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The Beaker Child
Her first awareness had been light. Then shapes. Color. Texture. Soon her halting, metallic voice was spelling out letters and names.
They called her a scientific breakthrough.
One of the first things we logged was the blinking. She seemed to not understand what it was, always following my eyes with her pupils, her face frozen like pottery: white, unmoving, emotionless.
“Its called blinking, Margaret. We blink our eyes to clear them. You don’t have to.”
That was before she found hands. Feet. Motion.
“She copies.”
“That was understood”
“But how? Why? She's developed a function she doesn’t need.”
“Perhaps social-evolution? Some form of adaptation?”
“Why would she have such a simple human necessity?”
“We will stick to the tests. The rest is heresy until those are confirmed.”
“Run test 342a.”
They called her a scientific breakthrough.
One of the first things we logged was the blinking. She seemed to not understand what it was, always following my eyes with her pupils, her face frozen like pottery: white, unmoving, emotionless.
“Its called blinking, Margaret. We blink our eyes to clear them. You don’t have to.”
That was before she found hands. Feet. Motion.
“She copies.”
“That was understood”
“But how? Why? She's developed a function she doesn’t need.”
“Perhaps social-evolution? Some form of adaptation?”
“Why would she have such a simple human necessity?”
“We will stick to the tests. The rest is heresy until those are confirmed.”
“Run test 342a.”
"Affirmative. Running test 342a. Log one."
When we woke her up she blinked. This puzzled me. Her hands shook when she tried to move them and she looked at everything with no expression. Shapes, color, and even texture amused her. After awhile she developed rudimentary language skills, and begin to mimic breathing. Then I had to put her back to sleep; but it appeared the experiment had been a success.
The second time I woke her up she screamed. And didn’t stop screaming. She cried when we touched her, eyes staring straight ahead and arms writhing at her side. Her body shook as if tortured. The doctors surrounded her, charts were drawn up, but nothing could soothe her. We decided to put her back into her dreamless, sterile sleep.
It was awhile before we woke her again.
When we woke her up she blinked. This puzzled me. Her hands shook when she tried to move them and she looked at everything with no expression. Shapes, color, and even texture amused her. After awhile she developed rudimentary language skills, and begin to mimic breathing. Then I had to put her back to sleep; but it appeared the experiment had been a success.
The second time I woke her up she screamed. And didn’t stop screaming. She cried when we touched her, eyes staring straight ahead and arms writhing at her side. Her body shook as if tortured. The doctors surrounded her, charts were drawn up, but nothing could soothe her. We decided to put her back into her dreamless, sterile sleep.
It was awhile before we woke her again.
Floating. Thrumming, pulsing, in my center.
The third time I called her from slumber someone stole her. He didn’t get far. I watched from the observation tower as he carried her, curled up against his breast, her dark hair a fuzzy brown swirl under his arm.
One single shot from a sniper ended his heist. He crumpled like dust beneath her plastic body, legs sprawling in every direction. Humans are so finite, I thought, as I watched him bleed out on our concrete walkway--so fragile, that one shot could end it all.
The heist made headlines. The worldwide Neoi-Mag came to cover the event. Their titles ran from many angles, some calling Margaret a new-age phenomenon, hailing her existence as the next great scientific breakthrough. Other specialists disagreed and said my team had gone too far, crossing into ambiguously amoral grounds. I didn't read the articles. What did it matter now?
My colleague said the head religious leader in Eurui had ordered the heist. His short elderly figure was seen more and more on the news calling the my precious experiment an abomination and a threat to humanity. I could only laugh. The pawns will play, I told him, for the masses must be entertained.
Just to soothe his mind, late that night I made a few calls. Over the corse of a month I invited the press, senators, mayors and even middle school classes to view my specimen. Never inside, of course, and never where Margaret could see them, but it was enough just to see her, to catch a glimpse of her pale, plastic body behind the white glass.
The world calmed. For surely no small, still, angel-like child could be a threat to their metropolitan existence? Soon there were other stories, other problems; a bomb in Asa, and flood in the Eastern USN turned their meddling eyes to other places, other woes. Man has such short memory, such fleeting existence.
I returned to my work. She was almost done.
“How is Margaret today?”
“Vitals stable. Gene specification routed.”
“Why is she still doing that with her chest---?”
“Test 896-B prepped and ready, Doctor.”
“Wake her. Now.”
Margaret awoke.
“How is Margaret today?”
“Vitals stable. Gene specification routed.”
“Why is she still doing that with her chest---?”
“Test 896-B prepped and ready, Doctor.”
“Wake her. Now.”
Margaret awoke.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Why I'm not a Photographer
When I was younger I used to want to be a photographer. I don't anymore. Some people find this odd, or strange, since I am such an artistic person, so I thought I would explain in depth.
5 Reasons Why I Am Not A Photographer.
I'm sure many photographers out there will relate.
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from the first wedding I photographed :) |
- You charge how much? In college I shot a few weddings. Brides, couples, or whoever always seemed shocked at how much money I would quote them for their event. I know this can be a sore point for many photographers. Many people seemed to think since I was "just starting out" I should photograph their event for free. I only charged about 50-300$ depending on where I was. I thought this was reasonable, given I a) drove to their event b) spent time photographing and editing their photos and c) put up with, what I shall call "the Rose-Colored Glass phenomenon", which I will explain in a later point.
- I had a girl whose wedding I photographed stiff me 200$ that she said she would pay me. She sent me only 50$ and I was very upset. Apparently she didn't like the photos I took so she thought I didn't deserve to get paid. I was a new photographer and I didn't know how to handle the situation then, so I mostly cried about it.
- There is a lot of pressure in photography. I love doing self photography because I can pose myself without any awkwardness and take my own photos without worrying about my client being critical of my skill or of their outward beauty. There are no conversations in self-photography. I don't have to cater to anyone else's creative dream.
- I don't like having restrictions placed on my photography. A client would tell me "I want this picture, exactly like this" That's a lot of pressure. I am not that photographer who took that picture. I have my own muse: don't expect the photos I take to look like someone else's work. If you want their photos, hire them. I love suggestions, but telling me exactly what you want removes not only all my creativity, but also sets you up for a large disappointment.
- I hate the "Rose-Colored Glass phenomenon" Let me explain. I take your pictures. I work really hard on them, pouring a lot of my spirit and time into the shoot. The client has this "idea" of how they look in the photos. I give them the pictures, and they hate them. I am crushed. I know people that have received photos from me that exclaim that I made them look ugly. The rose color glasses phenomenon is kind of like the above point, but instead of wanting my work to looks like another photographer's, they want my work to mirror the inner picture they have of themselves.
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another shot from my first session. I think these are the only surviving photos |
I guess when it comes down to it, I love creating photography. I just don't like catering to other people's whims. I can't see what is in their head, and I don't want to be put in a box. I think real photographers really have to have tough skin!
I still do photo-shoots for friends, but I make sure to do it just for "fun" with no money involved. That way I feel completely stress free, and they are free to love or hate the photos at will. Because they received them for free they seem to have a more open-minded approach to the process--they don't feel like they are owed a service from me and they don't have the expectation a wallet adds to the session. And we have fun together, which is the most important part of photography, after all.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Well, yesterday I tried to follow Wifessionals How to get Verified on Pinterest tutorial, and I ended up messing up my code somehow. I can't figure out how to fix it! I was really frustrated and upset and my husband told me just to forget about it and maybe it would be better in the morning.
It wasn't.
So I just ended up changing it. Not very satisfied with it, but I have to work until Thursday, when I'll try to fix it back the way it was before.
And I still can't figure out how to verify my pinterest account. Hah. :)
It wasn't.
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abandon ship |
And I still can't figure out how to verify my pinterest account. Hah. :)
Vintage Finds
I love shopping at Goodwill. Do you? I made Mr. Adventure stop on our way to a work-related event (because we were running early) and found this beautiful top. It's not even missing any buttons. Of course, I promptly fell in love with it and politely begged demanded that we buy it.
What's your most recent Thrift Store find? Tell me, I'll probably be totally jealous!
I wore it to church last Sunday with my forest wool cardigan, also from Goodwill. And my lovely burgundy skinny jeans.
I adore shopping at thrift stores. They are man's greatest invention. I'm serious, I've probably saved millions of dollars from heading there instead of my local mall, and I've found some pretty awesome clothes there too. Also, Goodwill is very renewable-source-friendly.What's your most recent Thrift Store find? Tell me, I'll probably be totally jealous!
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