Sunday, January 15, 2017

Books of 2016

I wanted to read 50 books in 2016, and I did just that, ending with reading 51--one over my lofty goal of 50. Well, if you don't count the 324,506 times I read The Very Hungry Caterpillar to my toddler.

I'm not an over-zealous user of Goodreads. I mean, I like it, and I log my books there because it is fun, and I like seeing what I've read. I've only been logging books for 2-3 years now, so it isn't a complete look at how many I've consumed in my lifetime (although I did add many old titles). I usually spend 3-6 minutes composing a review after finishing a book, and usually when nursing my toddler. Multitasking. Or ways mommy occupies herself while nourishing a wiggly human.  

My favorite books of 2016? Troubled Waters by Sharon Shinn. I loved this book, and plan to read the next three this year. It had amazing world building and great characters. I loved it. I am only mildly annoyed that the next book is from a different person's perspective. Oh well. I can't wait to read it! My second favorite, very close runner up, was Clariel by Garth Nix. I love his Abhorson series, and anything set in that world I will read. His first novels, about Lirael and Sabrial, are household staples in my home. I own them, and as I only own one bookshelf of books now, that says something that I held on to those. Clariel did not disappoint, if anything it ended way too soon and I am left wanting a squeal. If I had to pick a third favorite, Earth Girl #3 would be it. The whole Earth Girl series by Janet Edwards was really good.

I didn't read just fantasy literature, by the way, even if it is my favorite to read (who wants to read about the boring "real" world when you can have magic?!) I also really enjoyed The Help, although maybe enjoy is not the right word. It was very eye opening. I still think about it. I know it was "popular" a few years ago, but I am always eschewing books with that label because usually they aren't worth the paper they are printed on (Twilight?) but this one was different. I'm glad I read it, eventually. I also read all the Penderwick books by Birdsall. All four (and a 5th coming out in a few months!! Sqeeee) In short, I loved them. Simple stories of kids growing up, doing kid things. I feel a sense of hope for today's youth now, something I don't feel much when I look around me sometimes.

The only other thing I really read of note was the last four books in the Harry Potter series. I waited, as you can imagine, a very long time to read those (it was my first read through). I'd read the first one in college and wasn't that impressed, but I did love all the movies (yes, I'm one of those people). Anyway, while I loved all the books, I don't see what all the fuss was about. They were good. Harry is annoying, and I am tired of hearing his every thought and why he does things. Really, I don't like book Harry very much. He seems such an afterthought, bumbling, lucky person. I don't quite get him. Oh well. Luna is still my favorite person. Book Luna and movie Luna are both equally awesome.

So, that's what I read. What did you read? What should I read next year? I'm open to all suggestions. Unless it's about hungry caterpillars. That ship has sailed. 

You can find me on goodreads here, if you want to see what else I read this last year, and what I'm reading now.