Here is what I have given up.
- Cloth diapers. Reuben is wearing plastic on his butt. Gasp.
- Making my husband lunch. He just starves. I mean, he eats at a restaurant for lunch.
- Worrying about our budget. I'm pregnant and miserable and just need to eat, not item crunch. Or make lunches for my husband.
- Unpaper towels. We bought paper towels for the first time in two years. The Earth can look after it's own self for a few weeks while I figure out how to walk without getting dizzy.
- Facebook. I needed to simplify. I've been having panic attacks and stress trying to keep up with my interpersonal relationships. I usually love facebook, but for right now it has to go! I need to get my own ducks in a row before I can worry about toddler advice or vaccine debates.
- Worrying about how much TV we are watching. Am I able to lay on the couch? Is my toddler's attention not on me? Yay, who cares what else is happening.
- Making videos. Nope, not happening. I can barely feed myself, so filming stuff is at the bottom of the totem.
- Finding a picture for this blog post. I mean, all blog posts need pictures, so I slapped one up from Reuben's birthday drive on the blue ridge parkway, but it really isn't relevant to this post. Oh well, I don't care.
You know, priorities.
How are you guys?