Thursday, July 25, 2024

Life with Three

Life with three, homeschooling and cooking mostly from scratch is wild. And I love it. And I get overwhelmed every day. I have no time for friends. I tried a garden this year but quickly abandoned it and have decided I will not garden until my youngest is 4. It is impossible. 

The older two did take over the gardening and we have been getting things out; tomatoes and squash and jalapeƱos and strawberries and snap peas...but they do it all. 

I quit the internet for a long time. It was good for me. I desperately needed to reduce the amount of things in my life. We also quit ballet. The last year and a half of ballet for my older two was so much fun, but the studio closed (the owner is moving) and we need a break. I also quit taking violin lessons. I need a break. I love the violin still but lessons, like gardening, will have to wait until all my kids are over 4.

I am busy every day. I have Reuben finishing up Ambleside Year 3 right now, we are on term 3. Becky just started Year 1 and Esther...Esther is either throwing a fit and asking for milk right in the middle of reading or climbing on something she shouldn't be on. It is a crazy time. There are dishes and hungry tummies and after school I made a pot of tea, shoo the children outside (or to their rooms) snuggle up the baby and try to read my bible. 

I turn 40 in two years. I have started practicing saying I am almost 40 to everyone who asks my age. It is strange to hear those words from my lips. My husband turns 40 next March. 

My chronic illness, that was in remission before my pregnancy with Esther is turbulent and excessively irritating. A few times I literally thought I was in my last week of life. I prayed and prayed--I want to see my children grow up. I want to be there when my babies have babies. I want to enjoy my golden years with my husband. 

Managing my health and continuing to homeschool has made a box out of my life. Most everything, from going places to grocery shopping, I need to say no too. But there is so much joy and happiness as I read to my kids and try to feed them good wholesome food-- and I have been trying to go to the natural path as often as we can afford it. I am on a ton of supplements. They are keeping me functional. I am on the keto diet again per my natural path's recommendations. I am trying to do all I can. I pray for healing and for God's strength through these lingering trial. 

Reuben is 9 now. He's begun the start of correcting his parents. We just laugh and let it go. He is very smart and has such a kind heart. He loves Minecraft, nature, climbing, origami and ice cream. Becky is 6 and she was so nervous to start school. She is a natural narrator and loves anything art; drawing and painting and perler beads. 

Esther is 1 and the gem of the family. She loves throwing her food on the floor and biting me while nursing. We all love her to pieces and I can't wait for her to sleep though the night and in her own bed! She is wonderful with her beautiful head of curls and intelligent eyes. 

That is really what life is like right now. Managing kids, homeschooling, knitting and crochet in the gaps if there are any. Dishes and laundry and trying to brush my hair and help Becky with hers. A crazy wonderful beautiful life, and I thank God for every minute of it. 

(Also, I did get my book back up and need to edit it...but its up now!)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

So Mad at Myself

Reuben, who turns 9 in 16 days--wanted to read the book I wrote and self-published when he was 1 years old. Except I couldn't find it. Anywhere. No worries, I'll get on KDP and order an author copy. Expect I deleted my amazon account and that deleted my KDP account. My book is gone and has been for years. I didn't even know. 

Anyway, I am in the process of making an amazon account again and re-uploading so I can buy a copy for Reuben at least!


Life is busy. I have no time to write or do much creative things. I try not to be depressed about it and just be happy my family is healthy and the sun is shining.