Thursday, September 26, 2024

hurricanes, childrearing and (some) election thoughts

Homeschooling has been going smoothly until it's not. Oh my, I wish I could explain how much attitudes de-rail our homeschool. It is like the bad-attitude bug rotates through our family weekly. But I love modeling to my children that life is work, and there is satisfaction in that work. 

But how many times will I have to learn the lesson to leave school time for school time? I keep trying to do the dishes and listen to a narration or fold laundry while the audio book plays and my children follow suit and this distracted learning is not productive. I need a clean house to homeschool--at least that is my preference. A pile of dirty dishes or a messy living room screams at me while I am trying to read to the kids. Yet I need to focus and homeschool and clean later--the gentle feast of education is not meant to be multitasked. 

I deleted my Facebook during this election year. My mental health does so much better without Facebook and I hope I stay off it. This is my second time deleting Facebook so this is another lesson I hope I learn. I can't wait for the election to be over and for everyone in America to calm down. Anyone else just staying out of the election this year and trying to stay sane? I don't have enough sleep for this.  

Watching Florida and Georgia as Hurricane Helene looms. It's been raining here for the last three days (unrelated to HH) but probably related to the bad attitudes in our house the past few days. Being cooped up indoors all the time due to significant downpours makes everyone cranky. 

Well. I'm going to finish my tea (rooibos) and go play animal crossing with the kids. Life is good. I'm exhausted. And I'm so glad dinner is in the crock pot! 

My mom took this photo of me yesterday and I love it. 

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