I have been in a lonely spot with motherhood. I'm not sure if it's my 40s, or if its just the current culture, the age of my kids, the homeschooling (two now) or...what it is. But slowly over the last two years I have felt a distance where I have never felt one before. I have been introspective and asked hard questions. Is it me? Have I forgotten how to be a good friend? Am I failing at boundaries? Am I missing something? I don't get it. I think it is just the changing dreams of people, and perhaps my chronic illness and the demands of homeschooling.
Two years ago I had a wide diverse friend group. I feel lately that I really have no friends. No one wants to hang out. Some of them have really good excuses, like my friend Mandy who lost her husband. It's been almost two years now and it's still an adjustment for her. I have been trying to watch her kids for her every week so she can get a break and because I love her. But she doesn't want to or have time to hang out the way we used to. And that's okay.
My friend Kim has been distant too. Kim lives near me and recently had a foster set of three! She also has one foster kid who is all grown up who takes a lot of her time. But she used to make time for me. I always try to make time for her, text her, ask to hang out, invite her places. And she has been going through a lot. She lost a good friend two years ago who also did foster care in a freak accident--this friend had four kids with him at the time and they all died. It was terrible and everyone cried for weeks, even though I never knew him (he drove across a river and the car was swept away.) My friend Mandy's husband--Andrew, the one who passed away--taught one of the boys who died in this tragic accident. I think Kim is grieving a lot of things, her foster kids who were reunited with their parents (which is great they are back with family) but also trauma, and her friend who died and probably so much more life stuff that I don't even know about.
I have other friends. Julia and Amy were really close but both of them started attending this church in Amherst. It sounds like a great church and a wonderful fit for them, but it's about 45 minutes away, and they do stuff 3-4 times a week with their church now and don't have time for extra things. They both have four kids and both home school, and both do a home school co-op together on Mondays. I finally stopped asking them to hang out because between co-op and church they just can't. Perhaps I should keep trying. But Julia didn't even RSVP for Becky's birthday party, she just said she was busy and couldn't come and she had thought she had replied. I assumed she was coming because she didn't say anything, but I guess people get busy and forget to text? I feel like friends would make time for each other. I am trying. But perhaps it is a hard season for them and they can't. Or they've moved on. Wish friendship 'closure' was a thing! Feels like a loose end that needs tying up.
I guess I get it, everyone is forging their own paths. But I am an extrovert and I miss my friends! Melissa, who used to be my best friend, is homesteading and homeschooling and she barely replies to my text messages. I do see her infrequently at some events we both attend--I go to her co-op that she runs with her sister in law when I can make it, and both our girls are in the same piano so paths cross. But I feel like I bother her when I text, or ask to hang out. I stopped asking years ago. She is too busy. And she has family and other friends I think she prioritizes, and that's okay. She's amazing, and the first friend I ever had that deeply encouraged me in my faith walk. I know I idolize her a little much but everyone needs one friend that personifies the proverbs 31 woman, right? Melissa is that person to me, and I love her, and I definitely don't want to be a burden to her by any means! That's not friendship. I think with Melissa---I think I was her friend, but she wasn't my friend. I think I was a project to her a little bit--and I definitely needed to be because I had major issues when we met--me a new Christian and her a fount of wisdom with her 20 years of honoring Christ under her belt, even if we are the same age! And while that is sad to realize, its okay. I told Melissa a lot about myself, and asked for a lot of help and advice, but I wasn't able to give her much in return. Maybe one day I'll be wise enough to have something to offer.
I have a few extremely introverted friends who only want to hang out on a very limited basis, like my friend Emily who also attends my church, and of these friends I try to be respectful. I know I'm overwhelming. Emily is such a sweet introverted friend who I have gotten to know slowly over the years and continue to hang out with maybe once a month.
I think making friends in your 40s is just hard. Everyone has their own lives. I have tried to make new friends but no one seems interested. I'm either too old (lots of people in their 20s have kids my kids age) or in a totally different season of life--some of the people I know in their 40s are grandparents! I am fine being friends with any woman no matter her age, and I know it takes a long time to develop a deep and lasting friendship. But it seemed easier when I was young, single and time seemed endless between work hours. And it seemed easy too when I had toddlers. Now my time is limited because of homeschooling and I am frequently sick with my chronic illness or one of my kids is sick, and things just are not the same.
So here I am complaining on the internet. I would like to think of it more as working though things myself, but who knows. Am I friends with any of the above people? I thought of what would happen if I just stopped texting them. Would they even notice? Are these friendships only one sided? Am I a horrible friend?
(I guess I should say I was used to having 2-3 play dates with friends a week. We now have 0 weekly usually. It's been about one a month. This has also been an adjustment for my kids as well!)
I don't know. Is it just a seasonal thing, and I'll make new friends? I have another friend named Kim who lives an hour away. She is a natural doctor and has 10 kids, many of them grown. She is homeschooling the remaining few, homesteading with her husband doing raw milk, and she has large amounts of clients. But she still texts me sometimes and she came to my birthday party, and that was great. She might be more like a mentor to me than a friend.
Do I need friends? I feel like I do. I miss them and often feel like I'm spinning in circles wishing to be with someone or make plans with someone and there isn't anyone.
Does anyone else feel like this? Where do 40 year olds make friends, anyway. The parks are full of toddler moms when we go who look like 20 somethings. They don't want to talk to me. I don't go to bars and the library is too quiet. Where do I find my tribe? And how did I lose it?
God is good and he will be enough for me in this season. I will cling to him, and deepen my relationship with him while I try to search out good edifying friendships for myself and for my children. All hope is not lost! Maybe I will find the fatal flaw in myself and everything will be okay. Or maybe life will settle down in a few years and people will have more time for friendships and fellowship. For now I will keep on keeping on being lonely and hopeful. And weird.