I woke up with a toothache. And had no energy until after lunch. Also headache, all day. I don't know, it was just one of those days where everything is a little bit irritating. For no reason. Why? I don't know, I exist, therefore irritation. Yay.
We all still have lingering sinus infections from our most recent cold. Yes, we had another cold after the flu I wrote about last week! I can't believe it. Maybe we need to check our house for mold.
I wore my favorite skirt today and also did my hair, which I never do. I need to do my hair more. It was fun. And didn't take as long as I thought it would. Anyway, I dripped my skirt into the toilet at one time and had to change, which was also irritating. And gross.
We did only Becky's school today because Reuben spent the whole day putting his amazon order together (it's a dresser) and that was school enough for him. He only cried once (a miscommunication with me) and I am amazed that my nine year old can put together an entire dresser with poor instructions from Amazon and only a tiny bit of help from his seven year old sister... wow. I could not have done that at nine. He's amazing.
But, because of this project, I'm behind on Reuben's school, so if we can't finish tomorrow I will have... mom guilt. He will be fine, I will just feel irritated that I didn't finish what I was supposed to and planned to finish. Mom life. Life in general, where expectations do not meet reality.
Anyway I settled down with the baby for a nap after lunch and while she slept I finished reading a book and admired at the snow. It's so pretty and fluffy this time and the kids had a great time playing in it this morning. Last time it was icy and annoying but this time...fluff heaven! I made hot chocolate afterwards and we all enjoyed that, except for my toothache which probably was made worse from the coconut sugar.
I know these are the moments I will cherish. I would just cherish them a little bit more if I slept better (or rather, Esther slept better and woke up less!) and my head didn't hurt so much and I wasn't so tired! But this is the life and the baby (and body) I was given so, here I am. I will try to be content.
I made apple crisp for dinner because the apples were going bad but instead I had leftover soup, because diabetes and toothaches. I actually like the soup and feel great about that! I wore my favorite shirt today too, the new one that I got for valentines day. You can see a little bit of it in the first picture. It's divine and covered with florals.
Tomorrow I need to make the kombucha, do a lot of school, clean my house and the bathroom and knit? If I have any time for knitting? Oh, and work on this toothache because I don't want it to turn into an emergency.
How are you all?
Esther sure is cute and she's growing up fast.