We all got the flu. It was terrible. I guess it may have been covid but whatever it was, I was delirious for 24 hours and so was Brian. I don't know how we survived. It was the freezer meals, and garlic enemas. And the fact that the kids didn't get to the awful stage until 2 days later when I was sort of functional again. We were all sick for an entire week. Then coughing and no energy for a week. We missed two Sundays and Esther and I still have a bit of post nasal drip. I hit the lowest low of "everything is a complete mess and I have no energy" that I have ever hit. We ate all the freezer meals. At one point I was like, well, toast for dinner? And toast was had.
Esther had a temp of 104 during the flu... |
Anyway, my house was a wreck and I was a wreck and everyone still needed to be fed. I wasn't parenting from a calm place, let me tell you. I don't yell at my kids but...wow, that was crazy stressful. Our media consumption in the way of video games and movies was at max capacity. I am a clean freak. I am organized. I do not let my house get messy. Here are some pictures of the downstairs of my house during the flu apocalypse.
I just now feel like we are gaining ground again and there is a blizzard of up to seven inches of snow expected tomorrow! My house is clean again. I mean, as clean as having three kids and homeschooling can make it, but it looks presentable. And not like the above pictures. I am too hard on myself LOL. I put the TV in the closet so we can have a media purge and I'm loving it. (We still play video games come on I'm not crazy.)
We are all finally well. I am praying we stay well and also I am thanking God we all made it through. God is teaching me to rely on him and to make him my joy--that is what I learned during those dreadful two weeks.
Also, in an unrelated note, I can't find pants that fit. I bought a pair of 12s and couldn't even get them on. So I was like, maybe I am a 14? Last time I wore pants I was a 10, so...anyway, I bought a pair of 14 and a pair of 16 pants. The 16s are huge. I can wear them with a belt. I can't even get the 14s on. What size am I? I have no idea. This is why I don't wear pants. Stretchy waistband for the win. I usually wear an XL in leggings now so I think that is a 14? Your guess is my guess. I also need to buy underwear and socks because mine are literally falling apart. Hah! Too much life update?
Oh, and I forgot to post about Becky's birthday (or did I? the post virus brain fog is real) but she got her ears pierced and she's over the moon in love. Though she hates sleeping in them.
Today, Reuben was put in charge of dressing Esther because I was in the middle of cooking when she wanted out of the bath. Isn't she cute? Reuben also made these cookies in school today. A nine year old boy is very resourceful.
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